Monday, October 16, 2017

Port City Organics Manistee and the Pedophile

So, the local news stations have been reporting on the arrest of Port City Organics owner, Joe Dumas, as being charged with having/ sending child pornography.
Apparently, shhhh, I shouldn't talk about it because he's innocent until proven guilty. This issue bothers me on a couple of fronts.
One, here is a statement from the store:

"Our business has received attention this week that has resulted in questions and comments.  We are a limited liability company with members who own shares in the company.

We have employees and customers who rely on us to provide high-quality goods and services. Port City Organics, LLC will continue to provide goods, services, and employment in our community. 

Thank you for your calls, messages, and questions over the last week."

So, the store is trying to distance itself from Joe. Joe who built the business from the ground up. Now, Port City Organics is a company. I think people need to realise that some of the money spent at the store will go towards Joe's lawyer.
Do you really want to support a Suspected Pedophile? Do you want to take that chance?
Over 100 people "like" this statement. That bothers me. I think zero people should support a Suspected pedophile, but I guess I'm kinda odd.
Employees are concerned they may lose their jobs. Really? They obviously care more about a paycheck than the crime or the victims of child pornography.
Are they really that blind and selfish? I wonder.
I'm bothered by the fact that I spent hundreds of dollars at Joe's Store. Seriously, that's what some of us locals called it. Everyone knew PCO was Joe's enterprise.
I knew Joe. I'd ask him questions, gave him hugs, thought highly of him and that last one stings. I feel like I was duped. Betrayed. Someone I thought of as a good acquaintance turned out to be nothing more than Maybe a creep who got sexual satisfaction watching kiddie porn. That sickens me.
If he is innocent, I'll quickly remove this post and issue a prompt apology.
If he is found guilty, maybe goes to prison, he will be one of the few felons who has a ready made job waiting for him when he gets out. He'll have a forgiving community that will look the other way. He'll have a constant source of income in prison and when he gets out.
I'm bothered by that but, again, I guess I'm just odd.

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