Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The 5 2's (or what overwhelming physical pain does to a child) Making People

So, in therapy today...
(I had thought that I only created alters due to abuses. I didn't realize that the extended severe pain of my congenital deformity and subsequent correction had caused me to create people as well.)
I was doing energy work on myself, twas the other day. It involved nothing more than wrapping my hands around my ankle and just holding them there. After about ten minutes, a brief flashback filled my visual field. I was very small, around or under 2 years of age. My father was holding me by first under my arms and then by both hands. My mother was sprawled on a blanket in the grass a few feet in front of me.
I looked down at my left foot and it had disappeared into the grass. The place where my leg appeared to end, my ankle, felt as if there was a sharp, large knife sticking straight into it. I was overwhelmed with pain. I cried.
To no avail. My mother smiled encouragingly. My father continued to try and make me walk. I continued to vehemently oppose this painful process. I had no choice. The pain was too much. I blacked out or, as we in the Dissociative Community call it, I switched.
Recounting this memory in therapy visually, I found myself talking about how I was born without the means to walk. My feet and legs were considerably crooked. My first two years, at least, were filled with doctor visits, hard steel feet/ leg braces, an exercise regiment and, yeah, incredible pain that burned from my hips to the tips of my feet. As I start talking, I switch into a much younger personality.
It is like I take a step backward into myself. The conversation from here on out fades in and out of my consciousness. I do know that tears prolifically started streaming from my eyes.
This young person, alter, of 2 years of age, talks about the leg and feet pain. 2 says that there were 5 alters sitting in a semicircle on the bed. They would rapidly switch between them. The appearance of our legs would disappear from foot to hip in one alter as the pain and "legs" appeared and was felt on the alter directly to her right, like a circuit. As soon as that alter with the "legs" couldn't bear the pain anymore, her legs disappeared and were passed to the next alter on her right. This all happened very quickly with each alter having possession of the "legs" for seconds or less. By rapidly switching alter "bodies" the pain was kept "manageable" and somewhat at bay. It was like a game of Hot Potato except with the lower half of our body.
2 also talked about how her incessant crying in pain was a source of anger and frustration for the parents. She sometimes was slapped across the face. Sigh. Sometimes she welcomed the slap because it temporarily mitigated the leg pain. She/ they (the five alters 2 years old) would also resort to head banging for the same somewhat sedative and distracting effect. There is no concept of time as to how long the pain would last. It was just something that we were desperately trying to "run" and escape from.
We hated our legs, our feet for the tremendous amount of pain they caused. We tried to distance ourselves, make the legs disappear, cut off mentally, anything to try and stop the big bad hurt.
When other adults touched us, whoever had the legs at that moment was stuck with the pain, with feeling them and being in the body. God, it was so cruel...being alive, being trapped in these vices.
2 compared the pain to being run over with a steam roller. For some reason, probably due to congenital physical anatomy dysfunction, our left ankle always had that very sharp knife pain as opposed to the steam roller pain.
It's truly fascinating that this memory was housed in our left ankle. The event, the alters, the people, the pain, all of it was encased in an...hmmm, emotional cyst maybe? within the area of our left ankle.
I switched back near the end of therapy. My face totally soaking wet with someone else's old tears.
As I walked to my car and to my home, I noticed a heavy limp in my left leg. It hurt. Typical, as when memories buried are retrieved that the remnants, the components of that ruptured emotional cyst are physically felt. This is what we call "body memories". It hurt for awhile. I'm glad it wasn't too long (not sure if it will continue to hurt off and on as the memory pain is discharged) because standard over-the-counter painkillers don't touch that type of pain. At times I really wish that I could press a button and get myself a big, ol pain pill because shit like that, well, if it hurt so bad it made us split and switch, was bad enough the first time. Feeling it Again....damn.
Yeah, I think therapy went really well.
It's funny because going in to the office today, the only thing I was aware of was the brief flashback. I had no idea about the 5 2's or anything that was talked about. That seems to be our MO, a brief FB, go to therapy and watch it explode out.
Yeah, the life of Multiple Me

Thursday, June 21, 2018

I forgive myself

For wearing iron chain mail mesh
For caring so much
Feeling so deeply
For caring the pain so hidden and well, what if someone finds it, sees it, I show it, show how close I am past broken
I forgive myself for loving people that hurt me,
For being broken
For needing love and working so hard, taking so much hurt because I was willing to do anything, I'd allow them to do anything to me because I wanted to be loved.
I forgive myself for being fucking human and for wanting and needing.
I forgive myself for never being good enough for them to love me.
I forgive myself for being small and fragile and easily damaged.
I forgive myself for hoping day after day after day and being a chump and thinking and hoping...for all the wasted time and energy, if I just kept the secrets, they would love me, if I just didn't protest or fight against it, then they would've loved me.
I forgive myself for thinking I was special and being jealous when others would be so used.
I forgive myself for keeping the secrets so long, for not being able to find a single soul to trust, to tell them.
I forgive myself for all the times I saw him hurt others and did and said nothing.
I forgive myself for being jealous and happy that it was someone else being hurt.
I forgive myself for not killing myself long long long ago.
I forgive myself for choosing to live, for choosing to carry this pain, hidden, wrapped deep inside.
Yes, I forgive myself for living. I forgive myself for being alive.
I forgive myself for feeling the need to punish myself, all the time, secretly.
I forgive myself for being a dirty little sexual thing.
I forgive myself for choosing to live, a lie, for decades.
I forgive myself for pretending to be okay,, even quasi normal.
I forgive myself for all the times I lied and said it didn't hurt or I didn't mind doing that disgusting, filthy thing.
I forgive myself for being a dirty, disgusting filthy thing.
I forgive myself for not beating my mother to death.
I forgive myself for sacrificing myself in the name of saving her, an empty hollow disgusting wretch who freely gave her child to be raped.
I forgive myself for not fighting to clear my name and reputation. No one would believe me anyway.
I forgive myself for having so much hate for her.
I forgive myself for being so incredibly stupid and believing the lies for so long.
I forgive myself for not fighting harder, for not believing in myself, for not having the decency and know how to love myself enough to get away sooner.
I forgive myself for being so incredibly naive and stupid so long.
I forgive myself for being so incredibly damaged.
Mostly, I forgive myself for being stupid enough to stay alive. Word.
I forgive myself for not dying the first time I could have. And for all the times after.
I forgive myself for surviving
And for carrying the pain, guilt and shame so long. It's like I absorbed all their sins and took them upon myself, like I'm just this thing to absolve others.
I forgive myself for not knowing better.
I forgive myself for being so scared all the time, for letting fear take the wheel and run my life.
I forgive myself for never feeling good, for never feeling worthy or that I had anything to offer because I am so tightly wrapped within myself trying to keep the pain in and hidden, like I have no other worth or value. I'm nothing. I'm nothingness. I forgive myself for not liking who and all that I am.
I don't know that I can ever like myself or come to peace with all the things I have done.
I forgive myself for thinking it was okay to torture me. I forgive myself for the pain I was forced to inflict on others.
I forgive myself for not being stronger. For all the times I "agreed" that it was okay to hurt me. I agreed. I said it was okay. Forced to say it, against myself. Forced to agree, so easy to manipulate.
I made promises. Forced to promise. Forced to keep quiet. Forced into sex, over and over and over again.
I forgive myself for hating myself, my parents, my life, others who weren't being hurt.
I forgive myself for thinking the acts so defiling that disclosing them would erroneously be more hurtful than having to continue to endure them.
I forgive myself for believing him. That this would be the last time, that he regretted it, that he would stop, that it wouldn't happen again.
I'm a filthy, dirty, little thing, you know.
I hate who I am. I hate what was done to me. I hate what I had to do. I hate carrying it all. I hate being afraid to disclose because I always feel like a dirty little filthy thing that will do anything for her father's attention.
Can I ever forgive myself for living, for the things I've done

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Why must I pay for their crimes

Why is my life solely revolving around what was done to me?
Where is my free will, my hope, my direction, my choice?
My life is run by events of 30 years hence.
I am but a puppet being manipulated by a very long string

Reconnecting with earliest memories leads to shift in relationships

I have 5 or 6 relationships in my life which are relevant on a mostly daily basis: God, therapist, son 1, son 2 and new found friend of 2 mo...