Friday, December 8, 2017


I lay within the clenched palm of exhaustion, of a week within too much occurred for my bodybrain to process. I'm comforted with deep, undressing sleep, a body without the energy to move more than a few inches spaced hours apart.
Thin rivulets of salty water spill from the corners of my eyes without reason known.
I wonder if I will ever know the freedom of laughter.
I long for one person to know me, to love me, to care. And I don't know if such a demented longing will ever come true.
I feel great comfort within many blankets, soft pillows and a sturdy couch that has my back.
I pray that few will truly understand these deep wells of sorrow within which I tread.
I feel the sadness of loss, of physical abuses upon my person's.
I feel a heart that has been viciously, aggressively broken.
I feel the struggling of my spirit, as it has fought most days, to continue without a solitary external reason to do so.
I'm dwelling in the midspace between the external reality and the internal world of caring chaos and peace's unrest.
I am the static seeking
I do not want what I cannot have and I have no idea what I am deserving or entitled to.
There is nothing but me, existing in a body of submerged and surfacing memories that want to breathe and hurt me and heal me as they hit the harsh, cold, icy surface.
I want someone, everyone and no one to fully grasp my tenuous, painful bead of a life.
Heavy, exhausted sleep is a blessing bliss as I seek to recover from the bubbling memories, the painful body remembrances and coming to terms with how broken I've become aware of, that is.
You will find me embedded within silence, rivers waters and far removed from any traffic.
Night has been the only one to fully embrace all that I am and hold me near and dear.

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