Sunday, December 10, 2017

Missing My Therapist

I don't know why, I have no reason, but I really miss my last therapist. Spent all of last night reminiscing about her office and our sessions. We had a lot in common as we liked movies and books. We had a really decent rapport that I can't seem to find with the new therapist.
It's like previous therapist, PT, and I got along in a well-rounded way. MPD was new for her but she did the research and instinctively interacted with us amazingly well. I guess I should add that we were probably her first Multiple though I don't know it for sure and it did not show on her part if we were. I entered therapy to deal with life stuff not thinking that I was still a Multiple in hiding. It surprised us both when I first switched. 9 was the one who first appeared and was perplexed by whatever the adult discussion was.
It was like, PT was talking and then lowering her head, straightening her red and white checkered dress daintily with both hands, in a wee voice, as of if a child's she said, "that doesn't make any sense."
PT, never missing a beat or noticing that we had switched, continued on explaining whatever in an adult-to-adult manner.
"I don't understand your big words."
9 was probably just as confused as to way she was being talked to as PT was perplexed by the sudden departure of adult reason from her client.
7 followed closely behind 9 but I have no recall.
The next thing I remember is standing next to PT, and saying, "Oh, by the way, I have Multiple Personality Disorder." To which Therapist replied, "Well, it's not my area of expertise." But it was okay. It worked, us and her. And it worked really well. Sure we had our bumps but there was something undeniable in how we fit and were able to work together. It was profound.
I've spent today looking over the few pictures I have of her. Been crying a lot, too, I guess we just miss her, sitting with her, holding her hand, our last hug, the smile on her face, lol, the way people used to talk about her clothes (polka dot pants!!!), jewelry and the way littles would touch her hair to see if it was real.
We don't do any of that with Now Therapist, NT. Maybe, hence the reminisce and longing for the warmth of that familiarity. Sigh.
NT reminds me more of First Therapist, FT, anyway. (We've only had three therapists with NT being #3.) With First Therapist we were alone. We had Multiple stuff as well as learning to live in our own.  PT dealt as almost an adjunct in that we had the basics covered and while we did some Multiple work, it really centered on a self-discovery thing. I didn't require assistance in day-to-day stuff, schools, apartment living, budgets, etc.
I really think if New Therapist like First Therapist. But NT is a Box therapist. Hmmm, how to say. She works within strict boundaries and we don't dare go near the edges for fear of being cut. There is some weird thingy about it, NT, being a harsh, abrupt environment which makes no sense to me. Puzzling.
Is it that NT and we almost only work in the heavy duty area of flashback, triggers and memories? That there is no time to establish rapport and a ... friendly banter?
Could it very well be that with NT there is uncertainty as she has met at least a dozen new alters that have never been "out" or "awake" before? That may be it.
Picture a full carousel full of riders and only one person standing in line. Everyone wants to see the One standing in line, but the carousel spins quickly. That could lead to a sense of a disjointed therapeutic alliance. Seems about right.
I don't know. Maybe I just realized how much I liked working with Previous Therapist. She was really neat, really good. We really liked her. We really miss her.

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