Saturday, July 29, 2017

Living with MPD DID and laying low, downtime

Having active MPD, a competent therapist, switching and talking about major revelations is high energy consumption. I'm learning the value of laying low, self-care and lying in bed for hours upon hours. MPD work Is Exhausting!!!!!
This week, I haven't had a full day of relatively normal activities; you know, getting chores done, errands or even working on my art. The energy required and expended in therapy has left me a sloth with zero impetus to venture out of bed.
Recovering and processing big stuff requires Big downtime. Take it without an ounce of guilt. Snuggle in bed with your favorite comfort objects, pillows and pets. Don't worry about the dishes or laundry. You will awaken one day and feel up to getting things done, don't worry.
Therapy and healing is priority and the equivalent of a full time job with sporadic overtime. Downtime isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.
I'll be up and running again. Just needing lots of quiet time in bed, processing a hundred pieces of new info.
Take care of yourself

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