Thursday, December 28, 2017

Hiking the Oregon Coast Trail

So, I've been thinking about my next impossible challenge. I've dealt with impossible challenges most of my life die to circumstances beyond my control, thus I've decided to undertake one of my own freewill and volition.
The Oregon Coast Trail is 385-425 miles depending on where you read. It looks to be a 30-45 Day thru hike. By this summer I hope to be in shape, have the appropriate gear and equipment, complete thorough research and go for a hike.
I've amassed a small collection of books and maps. I'm up to walking 4 miles a day and I need to be able to complete 10-15 miles per day for a couple of weeks before I can determine if this adventure is feasible.
This Is my goal. Working on getting there. This feels like my next logical step forward in my personal evolution.
I'm excited.

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