Friday, December 29, 2017

Healing with Five Element Acupuncture and Dreams

I've finally located a highly competent acupuncturist after months of futility. A skilled passionate practitioner who listens, hears and knows how to apply the diagnostic principles is a true gift. My body, mind and soul have healed more in the past month then the previous years.
Where to start?
Healing acupuncture produces results as well as side effects. When I schedule a treatment I've learned to keep that day and the next as free as possible as I always fall into a mighty heavy slumber for at least a couple of days. Treatment is profound and my system needs sleep to process these new changes.
Last week after my session, I had nightmarish dreams in which things were completely out of my control. I was in a car, in a parking lot and I had no control over the vehicle. I was slowly careening into one parked car after another and I couldn't stop. I had four similar dreams in succession as I'd jar myself awake in distress only to be unable to keep my eyes open.
Today when I returned home (I discussed my upsetting symptoms with my practitioner and she adjusted treatment accordingly) I immediately fell asleep for six hours, awakening only because I needed to attend to my puppy. My dreams were vivid yet completely opposite of the previous ones.
I was in a fire truck, completely in control, driving around slowly realizing I didn't require such a vehicle so I searched for a place to park it. I was getting ready to park when I realized I was partially on train tracks and I could see the train come my way. Without panic, I was able to maneuver the fire truck off the tracks and park it safely.
The second part of this dream, I was making my way to the train station when I came upon a section of the boardwalk/ sidewalk which had a 10 foot broken tract which I needed to cross. I was a bit peeved that the boardwalk wasn't better maintained but I easily crossed the gap without slowing down. No sweat.
Within the train station there were many rooms. I entered one and saw the dreaded grandmother and my gramps sitting quietly. I chose not to deal with her, simply turned around, walked out and shut the door. In the hall, I ran into my oldest cousin. I hadn't seen her in many years and I love her. Somehow there was a way by which I could actually visit her home. I chose to do this. As we walked along a hill, we encountered a 10 foot cliff which we'd have to descend. I asked her how we would cross. She motioned to an old, gnarly brown tree trunk. I tested the trunk with a push and it broke, tumbling to the ground on a picnic table, narrowly missing a couple picnicers.
It was a near miss. I knew enough to test the waters of a path someone else used successfully. I needed to find the way that would work for me.
I met my dear cousins son, in the dream, for the first time ever. Oh my, we hit it off immediately, speaking the same language and actively engaged in fun and play. I smile remembering the delight of being with him. We spent considerable time together.
Next, I walked into a train waiting room with tall brown benches. Family members, my bio family, sat or milled about. I noticed my one annoying aunt was there. She started talking with me and I simply got up and left. I had freedom and the ability to walk away...very new for me.
The last room was the most interesting.
A stewardess walked by and five tall Asian men approached forming a circle around me. They had gone on a quest, a journey to locate me. One man spoke with me as the others remained silent, reverent.  His shoulders were absurdly tall and his head was a full foot lower on his trunk. I don't know that he spoke words, in so much that he executed various martial arts moves with his arms. (My acupuncture today involved only a few points. Two on my upper chest and three on each outer wrist. This fact comes into play somehow.)
It's as if the man, by his movements, was trying to elicit my inner, sage, martial art master. He wasn't threatening or daring me to fight or demonstrate. He was communicating with gestures his master would know.
And somewhere deep within, I understood him and responded with, what I consider to be very basic, martial arts arm gestures and movements. As I did this, which I thought was nothing special simply innate, the other men would "oh" and "ah", impressed, happy to have found whom they did seek. I am part Master. Very respectful. Profound dream!!!
This past week, my inner wisdom determined that the Celexa anti-anxiety, anti-depressant that I had been taking daily for over seven years, was no longer needed. I immediately stopped taking it without any side effects whatsoever.
My acupuncturist believes it's because my brain has learned how to produce it's own serotonin for the first time ever. I concur. This is Huge! I attribute it to this wondrous acupuncture and my acupuncturist. God is good.
Lots of positives taking place.
It's Healing time.

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