Saturday, April 14, 2018

Switching Therapists

Our 1 1/2 year long run with Therapist Neo has drawn to a close. When she left on her annual month-long voluntary vacation the distress was insurmountable. It outweighed any and all benefits we have garnered working with her.
Don't get me wrong, we accomplished a great deal doing super heavy core, heart wrenching memory/people retrieval but, in the end, neither of us would bend. We reached a mighty impasse whereby we felt it best to leave.
The end of Neo was sudden and swift as I, who cannot predict my feelings regarding Anything until the moment arrives, felt the most painful distress a couple of days after she left. It was a tear soaked, insomniatic, chaotic frenzy as we wrestled in a place of enormous consternation and dilemma. It was a cyclone of switching and searching. All possible avenues were queried, dissected and explored. I knew that I would never, of my own free will and volition, subject myselves to such a situation ever again. Big adult logic overruled little hearts and minds. Protectors stood firm in seeking to save the youngest from such pain. And voted along with the Elders. The Council stated it's decree and wrote a formal letter to Neo, the fallen One. She is done. We terminated our alliance. It's time to move on. Hoping to find a therapist without so many walls and such scant little time.
The System stands together, weeps heartily and walks away from the pain.
So long
And thanks for all the fish

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