Friday, November 23, 2018

Exposing Secrets, No longer in silent shame

This holiday I didn't sit across the table from my rapist. I didn't hold the hand of my accomplice mother or have to stare down my tortuous grandmother. My secrets are out in the open now.
Everyone needs a cause, something they are passionate and vocal about. Something that affects them deeply and they take a stand for or against.
Me, I'm against childhood sexual abuse and incest. I'm against families that agrees to live lies and hiding well known secrets. I'm against fathers who molest, give away and sell their children. Pretty simple and straightforward really, yet it's one of those unpleasant and ugly causes that makes people cringe.
Pedophile, child rape, child porn and prostitution, sex within the family, not pretty things to talk about. Itd be easier if my cause was better looking, animal abuses, government injustice, save the whales and so on. All worthy, nobel causes.
I put the value of one single child above all of them. I shoulder the fight that makes me expose my tender underbelly of shame, embarrassment and guilt not to beat my breast and say "poor me" but to expose the fact that what happened to me is currently happening to thousands of other small and helpless children.
I'm saying "look what happened to me because right now, in your community, within your own family or a family you know...This kind of sick sh*t is going on!" Look at what you don't want to see. See the epitome of cruelty and ugliness. Open your eyes to the fact that children are being horribly damaged and scarred for life along with your crusade to save the whales.
I'm not a closet case. I choose not to live under my family's sacred thumb. I choose to expose their lies and actually do what's right because living in silence only serves the perpetrators. Living clutching secrets is living a lie to yourself mostly. Nothing genuine about it. Its deprecating and unjust.
This is my cause. Incest happens. Families are sometimes best left. Running away can be healthy.
No longer living my family's lie and protecting child rapists.

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