Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Waking up, I guess you'd call it, decades later

I just kinda showed up last night. Last I remember it was 1987 and I was working and living in downtown Grand Rapids. My sister had gotten me a job working with her, copying medical records on a big old Xerox machine. I think she said she was a subcontractor for some type of firm or something. Anyway, she taught me how to look up and locate the records, copy the papers and stack them a certain way.
It went well when she was there working with me but when she left me on my own I kinda lost it. Being by myself, at night, in the bottom of this Huge hospital was just too much. I remember where I had to park. Looking over to my left and seeing for the first time, like, hoardes of bats flying over burger king. That was pretty freaky. I'd never seen more than a single bat once or twice before that.
I can't remember how I got out of the job but I did. Oh, before I quit I managed to have some fun photocopying my face, hands and stuff and sending the copies to friends. And when the copy machine broke down or stopped working or got jammed, man, I'd get so upset. It was too much.
I started seeing a therapist, Gale, downtown at the Community Mental Health, CMH building. It was on the second floor. Gale was cool cause we could sit and smoke in her office and just talk. She had a big window we loved to look out of. Yeah, it was nice talking with her. I don't remember much of what was said other than she thought it best I should move out of my parents house.
Gotta go. Stuff to do. 1987 part 2 later dude

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