Monday, October 4, 2021

A Difficult Fall

From Summer to Autimn, we fall. Depression typically strikes us deepest in the weeks of this seasonal transition. The last four years, since we have lived in Willamette, there was no downward mood shift. In a sense, due to annual repetition, we thought our Seasonal Depression was gone.
This year's transition has been rough. I hear more often how people wish they could hurry up and die of natural causes. Whenever they pray like that, I take it seriously. 
I asked Therapist if our depression was bad because we had more "new" grief to work through, as in Chinese Medicine, Autumn is the season of grief, or some such thing.
It was only this Summer that we discovered the memories of our grandmother hiring a specialist from Chicago to train 8 year old me to be a whore.
Therapist thought it might be possible.
I'm tired...

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