Monday, May 29, 2023

I don't know how

I did it. How did I survive a childhood filled with incest and years as a young pre-teen prostitute? It was a huge part of my daily life.
I'm not like anyone I know.
I have nothing in common with anyone other than other childhood, teenage sex slaves raised to serve men from birth through teen years. 
How did I manage to live an apparently normal looking life while harboring these sick, criminal family secrets?
Then there's the whole, how could my dad and grandmother and uncle and aunts that knew, allow it? But, that's just our family history.
I grew up with incest and whoring being open secrets, acceptable behavior freely spoken of in certain family circles.
But me, look at me...
I have been through shit that boggles even me. That much? That amount of sexual servitude and learned and practiced behavior? As a child? Every week? Monthly prostitution? Being given away for use?
How did I manage to keep a shred of dignity? How did I grow up not full of hate?
Saved me.
My mind saved me and probably God, too.

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