Friday, September 15, 2017

Dealing with my allergy to sulphur, how it feels

It feels like a victory, having an allergic reaction to the flu shot today at my doctor's office. I've had these events for over 20 years but never have I been able to chart its symptomology with a healthcare professional.
My allergy Is Real and Validated!!!!
In addition, I was able to verbalize and become more aware of exactly what the symptoms feel like.
I better start at the beginning. My allergy to sulfa, sulfur was acquired when I was 30 years old, shortly after the birth of my first noble son. I came down with an infection, both my infant son and I, and I was prescribed Bactrim which I'd been on many times before.
Shortly thereafter, either the 1st or 2nd day on the med, I started feeling odd and unwell but I just couldn't identify what was off.
I remember asking my neighbor to watch the baby and heading to the emergency room. At the ER, the doctor was rushing, moving quickly. I heard the phrase "anaphylactic shock" for the very first time directed at me. I also distinctly remember the phrases "you came close to dying" and "how does it feel to cheat death?"
I was given a shot of epinephrine and monitored diligently.
At the time, my brain could not process all this new information and I didn't have a family doctor that I was comfortable enough with to query. A few days later, it hit me with full force. At the follow up dr appointment, I again was met with the phrase "you almost died." Scary stuff for this Multiple Autistic. That event really did rock my world.
I knew I was allergic to Bactrim but I wasn't aware that sulfa lurked in many foods. I learned the hard way via minor and major reactions that sulfa was in eggs, mayonnaise, wine, champagne and various fruits and vegetables. It probably took me a good year to fully research and comprehend all the affected foods.
It became unsafe, unwise to eat in restaurants or even get takeout. Organic and pesticide free became the way to go.
Anyway, jumping back to how my body feels when exposed to sulfa....I start to feel odd and foggy. My body gets sluggish and feels heavy and awkward. I start shaking often in waves. My heart races, which I Used to attribute to panic but alas, tis not the case. My blood pressure rises, pulse quickens and respirations slow down. My thoughts get dull and my speech slows to a drunken drawl. There is an unusual sensation directly behind my a shock, a wound?, alarming sensation. My hands, arms and feet sometimes tingle or feel cold.
My doctor, God bless her, was able to see me before, during and after the allergic reaction!!!! I just want to cry because people have treated me like I was a fake, a hypochondriac, an attention seeker. Hell, even I didn't fully trust myself and what I was feeling! Having her as a witness, check my vital signs and seeing the different Overt symptoms makes me feel so GD happy!!! I'm not faking!!!!!!
Doctor promptly gave me benadryl and she sat and talked with me for almost an hour till the symptoms passed and I felt somewhat steady.
Wow, what a day! Who Knew I'd welcome an allergic reaction and rejoice in it!!!

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