Monday, September 11, 2017

Living and Managing Lichen Sclerosis

I've learned a number of tactics to keep my LS under control:
1) Estrace- one, pea-sized dab to the affected areas 2-3 times per week.
2) Low Oxalate diet. I've dealt with gout, kidney stones and gallstones, so going Low Ox is ideal for me. I've basically eliminated or cut way back on foods that upset my digestion. I actually feel best eating my limited diet of hamburger, rice, potatoes, gluten free Corn Chex, bananas, apples and small amounts of chocolate.
Anything that gives me an upset stomach, tomatoe sauces, hot dogs, almonds, spinach is no longer regular fare. I feel so much better eating low ox.
3) Probiotics. I eat plain yogurt daily, usually a few tablespoons. At times I will purchase high quality Probiotics. I don't bother buying any that do not require refrigeration as they tend to be of lower quality and potency.
Those are the three main things that work for me.
Other treatments that help that I've read about: Red Clover Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey applied daily.
Feel free to share your struggle and what, if anything has helped.

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